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Communications in Theoretical Physics
2006 Issue 2
Ionic Charge State Distribution of Au Plasma for 7-Ion System
CHENG Ke;ZHU Zheng-He;TANG Chang-Huan;TANG Yong-Jian;FU Yi-Bei
Lie Symmetry and Conserved Quantity of Three-Order Lagrangian Equations for Non-conserved Mechanical System
MA Shan-Jun;YANG Xue-Hui;YAN Rong;HUANG Pei-Tian
Solitary Waves for Cubic-Quintic Nonlinear Schr(o)dinger Equation with Variable Coefficients
ZHANG Jin-Liang;WANG Ming-Liang;LI Xiang-Zheng
Ultra-slow Bright and Dark Optical Solitons in Cold Media
YANG Xiao-Xue;WU Ying
Squeezed State Caused by Inverse of Photon Creation Operator
XU Xue-Fen
Study of Pre-equilibrium Fission Based on Diffusion Model
SUN Xiao-Jun;ZHANG Jing-Shang
Reanalyzing Pentaquark Θ+(1540) in Framework of QCD Sum Rules Approach with Direct Instantons
WANG Zhi-Gang;YANG Wei-Min;WAN Shao-Long
Behavior of Vacuum Polarization of Gauge-Boson and Wavefunction Renormalization Factor of Fermion in Different Phases of QED3
YANG Qiao-Li;HE Xiang;FENG Hong-Tao;SUN Wei-Min;ZONG Hong-Shi
Moduli Space of IIB Superstring and SUYM in AdS5 × S5
HOU Bo-Yu;HOU Bo-Yuan;WANG Xiao-Hui;XIONG Chuan-Hua;YUE Rui-Hong
Maximally Generalized Yang-Mills Model and Dynamical Breaking of Gauge Symmetry
WANG Dian-Fu;SONG He-Shan
Self-organized Criticality in an Earthquake Model on Random Network
ZHANG Duan-Ming;SUN Fan;YU Bo-Ming;PAN Gui-Jun;SUN Hong-Zhang;YIN Yan-Ping;LI Rui;SU Xiang-Ying
Quantum Correlation of Many Atoms in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates
YU Zhao-Xian;LIANG Jiu-Qing;JIAO Zhi-Yong
Quantum BCH Codes Based on Spectral Techniques
GUO Ying;ZENG Gui-Hua
Sign Flip in Giorgi-Pasquale-Paganelli Model
ZHANG Zhan-Jun;WANG Zhang-Yin;WANG Dong;SHI Shou-Hua
A New Quantum Communication Scheme by Using Bell States
CAO Hai-Jing;CHEN Jing;SONG He-Shan
Matrix Tensor Product Approach to the Equivalence of Multipartite States under Local Unitary Transformations
GAO Xiu-Hong;S. Alberverio;FEI Shao-Ming;WANG Zhi-Xi
Local Invariants for a Class of Tripartite Quantum Mixed States
WANG Xiao-Hong
State-Vector Space and Canonical Coherent States in Noncommutative Plane
JING Si-Cong;TAO Ling-Ping;LIU Qiu-Yu;RUAN Tu-Nan
Reductions to Korteweg-de Vries Soliton Hierarchy
CHEN Jin-Bing;TAN Rui-Mei;GENG Xian-Guo
Potential Symmetries to a System of Three-Component Nonlinear Diffusion Equations
XUE Chun-Rong;QU Chang-Zheng
New Exact Solutions to Dispersive Long-Wave Equations in (2+1)-Dimensional Space
TIAN Ying-Hui;CHEN Han-Lin;LIU Xi-Qiang
Shot Noise in Ferromagnetic Superconductor Tunnel Junctions
LI Xiao-Wei
Effects of Different Connectivity Topologies in Small World Networks on EEG-Like Activities
LIN Min;ZHANG Gui-Qing;CHEN Tian-Lun
A Multi-parameter Model for Radio Dichotomy of Active Galactic Nuclei and Jets
YE Yong-Chun;WANG Ding-Xiong;ZUO Xue-Qin