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Communications in Theoretical Physics
2001 Issue 11
Memory,Time and Technique Aspects of Density Matrix Renormalization Group Method
QIN Shao-Jin;LOU Ji-Zhong
A Monte Carlo Study of the Half-Filled Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model
Zhu Xing;LIU Chuan
Spinless Excitons Implicit in SO(5) Theory
JIANG Yong-Jin;TAO Rui-Bao
Idealization Second Quantization of Composite Particles
ZHOU Duan-Lu;YU Si-Xia;SUN Chang-Pu
Multisoliton Solutions of the (2+1)-Dimensional KdV Equation
ZHANG Jie-Fang;HUANG Wen-Hua
Connes' Distance of One-Dimensional Lattices:General Cases
DAI Jian;SONG Xing-Chang
Anomalous Dimension in the Solution of a Nonlinear Diffusion Equation
TU Tao;CHENG Geng;LIU Jian-Wei
Short-Time Dynamics of the Random n-Vector Model
CHEN Yuan;LI Zhi-Bing;FANG Hai;HE Shun-Shan;SITU Shu-Ping
Effect of the Double Frequency of Trap Field in a Paul Trap
NIE Zong-Xiu;FENG Mang;LI Jiao-Mei;SHI Lei;ZHU Xi-Wen;GAO Ke-Lin
The Effect of Retardation on the Spontaneous Breaking of Chiral Symmetry in GCM
YANG Sheng-Dong;ZHAI Chen-Yang;ZHOU Zhi-Ning;YANG Ze-sen
Extraction of Nuclear Matter Properties from Nuclear Masses by a Model of Equation of State
Pomeron as a Reggeized Tensor Glueball
MA Wei-Xing;A.W.Thomas;SHEN Peng-Nian;ZHOU Li-Juan
A Test of Color-Octet Heavy Quarkonium Production Mechanism
DUAN Chun-Gui;YAN Zhan-Yuan;HE Zhen-min
A Critical Examination to the Unitarized IJ = 20 ππ Scattering Chiral Amplitude
ANG Qin;XIAO Zhi-Guang;ZHENG Han-Qing;SONG Xing-Chang
Single Chargino Production with R-Parity Lepton Number Violation in Photon-Photon Collisions
YIN Xi;MA Wen-Gan;WAN Lang-Hui;JIANG Yi;HAN Liang