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Journal of Lujiang University
2016 Issue 3
Analysis on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Similar Bus in Steady Cross-wind
YUAN Zhiqun;,YU Guofei;,MEI Lifang;
Optimization of the Pure Electric Bus Motor Selection
SUN Guibin;,YANG Yundong;,WANG Yao;,CAO Jinghui;
Light-Weighting of Taper Leaf Spring with Variable Stiffness
CHEN Lijing;
Design of a Soft Capsule Plates Testing System Using Computer Vision
PENG Yanqing;,LIU Cheng;,CHEN Liqing;,XU Guopeng;
Design and Implementation of Controller of the Fresh Air System
CHEN Zhizhen;,DONG Jianhuai;
Partial Discharge Test in Transformer Using Optical Fiber Sensor
TAO Xianliang;,CHEN Tianxiang;,LI Wei;,CHEN Gang;
Simulation of Carbon Nanotube-based Heat Dissipation of High Power LED Lamp
HUANG Haibo;,WANG Yuanzhang;,LI Aiyu;,CHENG Zaijun;,LIU Zhengda;
Fast DoA Estimation Based on Root-MUSIC Algorithm
WANG Xinhe;,ZHOU Wei;
Research on Cloud-Assisted Mobile ECG Monitoring System
HU Jianqiang;,ZENG Zhiyong;,ZHU Shunzhi;,WU Keshou;
A Dynamic Decision Model for Vertical Handoff in Heterogeneous Networks
CHEN Rongshang;,XIAO Lei;
Comparison of Drainage Network Extractions from Two DEMs
LI Zongmei;,WEI Jinwang;,MAN Wang;,SUN Fengqin;,HUANG Yutong;
Extraction of Information of Impervious Surface Area of Xiamen from ZY-3 Images
LI Hui;,CHEN Xuejiao;,SUN Fengqin;,NIE Qin;
Impact of Vibration of Subway Blasting on Surrounding Buildings and Gas Pipes
ZHOU Guangwei;,CHEN Changping;,LI Weizhen;,ZENG Zhen;
A Kinetic Study on Thermal Degradation of IFR-PBS Composites
MAO Long;,WEN Tao;,LIU Yuejun;
Image Retrieval Using Features Conduction of Neural Response
ZHEN Xin;,HU Zhengfa;
Several Sufficient Conditions on Multi-granulation Rough Sets
ZHANG Xiawei;