Ergonomic Assessment on Hemodialysis Nursing Position
ZHENG Guo-qiao;ZHU Guo-hong;XU Jie;TENG Wei-lin;JIN Tai-yi;JIN Ke-zhi;Department of Occupational Health and Toxicology;School of Public Health / Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety of Ministry of Education;Fudan University;Blood Purification Center;Zhongshan Hospital;Fudan University;
DNA Repair Capacity of Workers Exposed to 1, 3-Butadiene
LIU Nan;LI Bin;CHENG Juan;LI Yun;ZHENG Guo-ying;GUAN Wei-jun;Laboratory of Occupational Health and Safety of Coal Industry/School of Public Health;Hebei United University;National Institute of Occupational Health and Poison Control;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
Advances on Lead Antagonist
LIU Hong-juan;Lü Cui;LIU Xiao-li;ZHANG Wen-sheng;Beijing Key Laboratory of Protection and Utilization of Chinese Medicine Resources;Beijing Normal University;
A Case Report of Rheumatoid Pneumoconiosis
JIA Ke-jun;HE Yong-ping;WANG Lin-lin;Department of Occupational Diseases;The First Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College;Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology;Institute of Occupational Health;Baotou Iron and Steel Co.Ltd.;
An integrated Risk Function for Estimating the Global Burden of Disease Attributable to Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Exposure
Richard T.Burnett;C.Arden Pope III;Majid Ezzati;Casey Olives;Stephen S.Lim;Sumi Mehta;Hwashin H.Shin;Gitanjali Singh;Bryan Hubbell;Michael Brauer;H.Ross Anderson;Kirk R.Smith;John R.Balmes;Nigel G.Bruce;Haidong Kan;Francine Laden;Annette Prüss-Ustün;Michelle C.Turner;Susan M.Gapstur;W.Ryan Diver;Aaron Cohen;Health Canada;Ottawa;Ontario;Canada;Brigham Young University;MRC-PHE Centre for Environment and Health;School of Public Health;Imperial College London;School of Public Health;University of Washington;Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation;Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves;Harvard School of Public Health;Harvard University;U.S. Environmental Protection Agency;Research Triangle Park;School of Population and Public Health;University of British Colombia;Vancouver;British Columbia;Canada;MRC-PHE Centre for Environment and Health;King’s College London;University of California;Berkeley;Berkeley;California;USA;School of Medicine;University of California;San Francisco;San Francisco;California;USA;School of Medicine;University of California;Berkeley;Berkeley;California;USA;Department of Public Health and Policy;University of Liverpool;School of Public Health;Fudan University;Exposure;Epidemiology;and Risk Program;Department of Environmental Health;Harvard School of Public Health;World Health Organization;Institute of Population Health;University of Ottawa;Ottawa;Ontario;Canada;American Cancer Society;Atlanta;Georgia;USA;Health Effects Institute;Boston;Massachusetts;USA;