Uranium Ore Price Analysis and Prediction Based on Time Series Model
Liu Xiong;Dai Bibo;Jiang Pengfei;Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research Co.;Ltd.;State Key Laboratory of Safety and Healthfor Metal Mines;Huawei National Engineering Research Center of High Efficient Cyclic and Utilization of Metallic Mineral Resources Co.;Ltd.;
Beneficiation Experiment on a High Sulfur Gold Ore from Anhui
Huangfu Mingzhu;Sheng Na;Deng Jiushuai;Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research Co.;Ltd.;National Engineering Research Center of Huawei High Efficient Recycling Utilization of Metal Mineral Resources Co.;Ltd.;Industrial & Commercial College;Anhui University of Technology;Faculty of Land and Resource Engineering;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Provincial and Department State Key Laboratory of Complex Nonferrous Metal Resources Clean Utilization;