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Studies in Science of Science
2016 Issue 8
The reduction and analysis on the debate of democratization of science in the field of STS
BAI Hui-ren;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Crisis and reconstruction of trust in expertise and experts
GUO Fei;SHENG Xiao-ming;Department of Philosophy;Zhejiang University;
Evolution of the cooperation networks for Chinese national science and technology awards based on social network analysis
CHU Jian-xun;HUANG Sheng-peng;JI Jiao-jiao;USTC Science Communication Research Center;Department of Sci-Tech Communication and Policy;University of Science and Technology of China;School of Public Affairs;University of Science and Technology of China;
The research on impact mechanism of resource factors on the performance of National Engineering Laboratory
LI Pei-nan;ZHAO Lan-xiang;WAN Jin-bo;Institute of Science and Development;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Research on construction and synergy degree of composite system of industrial innovation——Base on ICT industry
DONG Hao;ZENG Jian-qiu;SHEN Meng-ru;School of Economics and Management;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;School of Traffic and Transportation;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Themechanism and empirical analysis of middle income trap:From the view of IPR effects
ZHU Hui;XU Wei-bin;School of Economics;Zhejiang Gongshang University;
Research review of China patent survey: Institutional practice and academic development
MAO Hao;Intellectual Property Development & Research Center of SIPO of China;
Research on the monetary reward policy efficiency for patent system from the perspective of patent elasticity
WEI Yan-hui;ZHANG Hui-ying;School of Administration;Shandong Institute of Business and Technology;College of Management and Economics;Tianjin University;
Research on the impact of public development environment on patent output of Chinese firms——An empirical study based on the perspective of government administration
LIN Zhou-yu;DENG Xing-hua;LIN Quan;School of Economics and Management;Fuzhou University;School of Public Policy and Management;Tsinghua University;Business School;Shantou University;
Knowledge transferring mechanisms in international R&D alliance and innovation performance of latecomer firms
LIU Yang;YING Ying;South China University of Technology;Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics;
The relationship among acquirers’ characteristics,R&D investment and innovation performance in technology mergers and acquisitions
WANG Wan-qiu;MA Hong-jun;College of Economics & Management;Beijing University of Technology;
The triple helix system of university-industry-government and regional entrepreneurship:Relevance and regional differences
LI Mei-fang;WANG Jun;WANG Yan-biao;WANG Meng-ting;ZHAO Yong-xiang;School of Management;Fuzhou University;Fuzhou Software Technology Vocation College;
Research on the effect of strategic propensity on new ventures’ entrepreneurial learning
YIN Miao-miao;LIU Yu-guo;School of Management;Innovation Management Research Center;Jilin University;
Dynamic evolution and synergy mechanisms of open services innovation
ZHAO Wu;WANG Ke;QIN Hong-xin;School of Economics & Management;Xidian University;School of Public Policy & Management;Tsinghua University;Logistics department;Xidian University;
Study on the evolution of innovation ecosystem based on the framework of multi-level perspectives
SUN Bing;XU Xiao-fei;YAO Hong-tao;School of Economics and Management;Harbin Engineering University;China Academy of Aerospace Standardization and Product Assurance;
The study of different effects of strategy orientation on technology innovation——The moderating effect of competition extent
LI Yan-yan;GAO Shan-xing;GAO Yu;School of Management;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Innovation behavior,resource adequacy and innovation legitimacy——An empirical research on fit with innovative culture
WANG Bing-Cheng;ZHANG Shi-Qiang;WANG Li;ZENG Li-Jun;RAO Wei-Zhen;College of Economic and Management;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
The SCAI spiral model of cluster innovation——Case studies based on Dalian software park
LI Hao;HUANG Jian;School of Business Administration;Dongbei University of Finance & Economics;
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