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Studies in Science of Science
2016 Issue 7
Scientist's ambivalence of collaborating with industry and its impacts on innovation
WEN Ke;,MAO Meng-xue;,SU Hong-yu;,YUAN Wen-long;
Research on the regional technology flow network based on the patent right transfer in China
REN Long;,JIANG Xue-min;,FU Xiao-xiao;
Research on the influence path of patent agents' competency to patent quality
GU Li;,YAN Wei-chun;,REN Li-qiang;,DING Kun;
Global R&D network, structural embeddedness and IPR protection mechanism of MNEs
WANG Jian-hua;,ZHUO Ya-ling;
The asymmetric driving effects of R&D on technical progress
ZHANG Tong-bin;,LI Jin-kai;
Crowd innovation: The origins, attribution analysis and cognitive framework
ZHAO Kun;,GUO Dong-qiang;
Technological regimes of disruptive innovation and industry evolution
SHI Jun-guo;,YU Pei-li;,XIANG Tao;