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Studies in Science of Science
2014 Issue 7
yi ge wai guo ren yan zhong de zhong guo ke xue ji shu wu shi nian
diao li ying ;, jie fu li ou de mu ;
The research on construction model for technology roadmapping based on SAO analysis
GUO Jun-fang;,LEI Ming;,LI Qian-rui;,QIU Peng-jun;,WANG Xue-feng;
The extended actor-network——a new way to solve Collingridge' dilemma
GU Yi;,TAO Ying-chun;
The statistics of science and technology history: review of the Eurocentrism perspectives
CAO Yu-hua;,CHEN Juan;,DONG Jie-lin;,MAO Li-li;
Analysis of lemons market effects under the context of patent quality
ZHOU Lu;,ZHU Xue-zhong;
The knowledge base evolution in industry: based on patent intelligence analysis
CAI Hong;,LIU Yan;,XIANG Xi-yao;
Between university and society: a study on university-owned listed companies of China
SU Jun;,SUI Ji-gang;,XU Lei;
Scientists' professional values in China
DAI Mao;,FANG Wei-hua;
Researcher time allocations and research productivity: an empirical analysis
HE Guang-xi;,LI Qiang;,ZHAO Yan-dong;
Knowledge integration capability and local firms' fast catching-up: the case study on CSOT
CHENG Peng;,YU Jiang;,ZHANG Gui-fang;
Social capital, learning from failures, and innovation performance of research team
CHEN Wan-ming;,PENG Can;,TANG Chao-yong;