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Studies in Science of Science
2014 Issue 12
Innovation 3.0 and innovation ecosystem
LI Wan;CHANG Jing;WANG Min-jie;ZHU Xue-yan;JIN Ai-min;Shanghai Institute for Science of Science;
Innovation ecosystem:origin,knowledge evolution and theoretical framework
MEI Liang;CHEN Jin;LIU Yang;School of Public Affairs;Zhejiang University;School of Economics and Management;Tsinghua University;School of Business Administration;South China University of Technology;
Innovation ecosystem under multiple perspectives
ZHAO Fang;ZENG Guo-ping;Graduate School of Tsinghua University at Shenzhen;Center of Science;Technology and Society of Tsinghua University;
Public parti cipation of innovation:maker movement and makerspaces
XU Si-yan;LI Zheng-feng;Institute of Science;Technology and Society;Tsinghua University;CASAD -Tsinghua Research Center for Synergetic -development of Science and Society;
Psychological variables in public attitude towards risky technologies:Taking GM rice for example
LI Hui;LIANG Juan-juan;WANG Zhen-hui;School of Public Administration;Southwest Jiao Tong University;
Which university get more national nature science research grants in management science filed?
YANG Yong;ZHAO Chi;School of Economics and Management of Southeast University;
Study on dynamic model of the technology transfer system evolution of China based on system dynamics
LIU Zhi-ying;BI Sheng;TAN Min;School of Management;University of Science and Technology of China;
Is there “Matthew Effect”in regional technology transfer?The driving orientation of inter-regional technology transfer
YANG Long-zhi;LIU Xia;School of Business;Wenzhou University;
The impact of absorptive capacity on technological performance in transnational technology M&As based on evolutionary game theory
WANG Shi-xiang;WEI Jiang;LU Yao;School of Management;Zhejiang University;School of Business;Nanjing University;
High efficiency or low cost?Huawei’s technological catch-up with Ericsson
CHEN De-zhi;LIU Hui;Antai College of Economics & Management;Shanghai Jiao Tong Unirersity;
Does the intellectual property protection enhance China’s export technological sophistication? An empirical study on panel data of provinces
DAI Zhong-qiang;Finance and Economics College of Jimei University;
Have Chinese Bayh-Dole like rules promoted university’s patent output?
ZHANG Jun-rong;YUAN Xiao-dong;School of Management;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
The definition,dimensions and measurement of entrepreneurial learning
SHAN Biao-An;CAI Li;LU Xi-Feng;LIU Zhao;School of Management Jilin University;School of Philosophy Society Jilin University;
The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance:Evidence from industrial design services in china
GUO Wen;ZHANG Hong-yun;Institute of Policy and Management;CAS;School of Management;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
The difference of social cultural traits influence rural entrepreneurial activity
LI Chang;School of Business Administration;Zhejiang Gongshang University;
A study on the mechanism of distribution to demand and innovation:A consumer demand perspective
LI Zi-lian;ZHU Jiang-li;School of Business;Jiangsu Normal University;School of Economics;Nanjing University;
A study on knowledge ecology and metropolitan innovation system:The review based on literature
ZHAN Xiang-dong;WANG bao-lin;School of Business;Renmin University of China;
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