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Studies in Science of Science
2013 Issue 12
Analyses of Derek Price's view on science and technology
DONG Guo-hao;,QIAN Wei;
guan yu yan jiu de yan jiu
chen yue ;, de lei ke pu lai si ;
xiao ke xue da ke xue ji qi xu pian qian yan
luo bo te mo dun ;, wang xian wen ;, you jin jia fei er de ;
Research on rationality of interdisciplinary peer-review
GAO Cheng-kai;,LI Li;,WANG Qian;
Moral disengagement, bystander silence and academic misconduct
CHEN Yin-fei;
The study of enterprises' patent implementation and industrialization in China
LIN Han;,LIU Cheng;,MAO Hao;
The application conditions of gaunxi-based intellectual property in ITISA
FANG Gang;,YANG Wei;,ZHENG Gang;
Impact mechanism of knowledge potential difference on knowledge governance performance
CHEN Wei;,PAN Wei;,YANG Zao-li;
Entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial resources and farmers'entrepreneurial motivations
CHEN Hao-yi;,GUO Shuang-fei;,SUN Hong-xia;
Analysis of knowledge innovation evolution based on chaotic dynamic model
HAN Rong;,LIN Run-hui;
The co-evolution of knowledge, organization and institution of innovation clusters
DING Kui-li;,ZHONG Shu-hua;