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Studies in Science of Science
2012 Issue 9
Scientific revolution: a popular humanistic myth
zhao ke
Analysis on the world's periodicals' age from many aspects --.based on the Ulrichs periodicals directory
wei rui bin ; wu yi shan ; yuan jun peng
Research on the formation and stabilization of patent pools based on the standard
hong jie yin ; tao ai ping
Being dualism: government support, university knowledge creation and transfer efficiency
yuan chang hong ; sun hui juan ; wang tao
The analysis of science structure based on journal clustering and SOOI classification system
zhang lin ; liang li ming ; liu ze yuan ;wolfgang glanzel
Review on the determinants of patent value:an integrate framework
zheng su li ; song ming shun
Dose specific asset matter? moderating effect of industry technology input
yu mao jian ; sun yuan xin
Research on identifying manfacturing firms -kIBS interaction patterns
wei jiang ; zhou dan ; bai ou
Quantitative analysis of the previous excellent achievement awards of university humanities and social science
wang yong bin ; kong ling hui ; xu hong xia