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Studies in Science of Science
2012 Issue 3
Study on the regional innovation capacity and it's building policies basing on the entropy model
song he fa ; mu rong ping ; peng mao xiang
"UP- to -down" science &technology planning: a new approach based on patent data and technology roadmapping
guo ying ; wang xue feng ; zhu dong hua ; zhang zuo ; guo jun fang ; zhao chen xiao
Study on the transmission mechanism of the independent innovation policy
hong yong ; li ying min
Technological niche and transition of technological paradigm
ye fen bin ; xu wei min
An empirical study of the structure of work values among R&D staff in Chinese enterprises
zuo yun lai ; huang xi ting
Food quality safety: technology,ethics or law?
wang xin ping ; zhang zuo ; sun lin yan
Founding team's inside cognitive lock- ins and the stability of founding team
mai yi zuo ; xiong zuo
Empirical analysis based on CPSED about influential factors of entrepreneurial activity
li hua jing ; zhang yu li ; wang xiu feng ; yao qin
Research on the technology standardization process and government supporting tactics of industrial alliance
wang shan shan ; wang hong qi ; deng jing zuo