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Studies in Science of Science
2011 Issue 9
The relationship of international expansion and firm performance in diversified firms
wu xiao bo ; zhou hao jun
nlightenment and calculation of sino - US carbon emission transfer based on merchandise trade
wu xian hua ; guo ji ; guo zuo zuo
Study on the underlying factors' effect of technology evolution based on need evolution
xin de qiang ; mao jian qi
The improvement of revenue sharing policy of S&T achievements by transfer
zuo xiao yan ; zhao jie ; zhang jie jun
How are radical technologies developed? ——a literature survey
chen ao ; liu xie lin
The model of organizational knowledge sharing network based on knowledge network and social network
liao kai ji ; ye dong hai ; wu min
The 13^th ISSI conference: submission, review and acceptance of the papers
liang li ming ;ed noyons
A study on the classification of science by dimension
wei yi dong ; wang bao hong