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Studies in Science of Science
2011 Issue 12
ke xue xue yan jiu lai gao xu zhi
Effect on R&D productivity of U-I co-publication
pei yun long ; cai hong ; xiang xi yao
Changes of the industrial laboratory
guo jin ming ; yang qi quan
Strategy maps and performance measures for national research institutes
zhang da qun ; yang guo liang ; li xiao xuan
A new explanation of knowledge innovation based on the Bohr atom model
shi li ping ; tang shu lin
Patent technology licensing and the growth of Chinese firms' innovation capabilities
wang yuan di ; liu feng chao ; pan xiong feng
Antecedents of entrepreneurial orientation in design service industry in China
zhang hong yun ; guo zuo
zhong guo ke ji ti zhi gai ge bi tan
Welfare effects and optimal design of patent length,patent breadth and patent height
tao chang zuo ; qi ya wei
Image representations in science and its innovation functions
liu gao zuo