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Studies in Science of Science
2009 Issue 12
Comparing on the construction methods of service industry\' s business model
ren jin zuo ; wu mei
Tsien Hsue-shen and science of science
chen yi sheng
Precious teachings,eternal memorial:skeches and notes on commemorating Mr Tsion Hsue-shen by the academy of science of science
zhang bi zuo ; wang xing cheng ; wang xu zuo ; jiang guo hua ; sui ying hui ; jiang zhen zuo
The evolution of technology and the evolutionary technology policy
zuo ji gang ; su jun
Research on motivations of enterprise\' s organizational fashion-follow innovation
wu ji ; shi chun sheng ; liu wei wei
Impacts of open innovation on enterprises\' innovativeness
yuan jian hong ; li hui hua
Research on factor structure of action-oriented competency of knowledge workers
jia jian feng ; zhao xi nan ; fan zuo rong
On whole-nation system for science and technology
zhong shu hua
Inter-organizational relationships: evolution and development framework
wang zuo jun ; ren hao
Is there stabilized proportion of "optimal" R&D investments pattern ?
sun xi jie ; zeng guo ping