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Chinese Science Bulletin
2015 Issue 25
publish or perish de bei hou
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Perverse incentives and perverse publishing practices
Virginia Barbour;Committee on Publication Ethics;
NASA found Kepler-452b, the Earth’s bigger and older cousin
WANG Liang;WU XiaoShu;ZHAO Gang;Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy;National Astronomical Observatories;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The R&D of superconducting technology for future power grid
XIAO LiYe;Applied Superconductivity Laboratory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Electrical Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Progress in the China dark matter experiment(CDEX)
ZHAO Wei;YUE Qian;LI Jin;Key Laboratory of Particle and Radiation Imaging and Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;
Observational studies on high-redshift quasars
JIANG LinHua;WU XueBing;WANG Ran;WANG FeiGe;FAN XiaoHui;Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics;Peking University;Department of Astronomy;School of Physics;Peking University;Steward Observatory;University of Arizona;
Analytic framework and related technologies for big health data
LI YueF eng;National Health and Family Planning Commission Statistical Information Center;
Progress in nanoparticles hybrid organic semiconductor diode memory devices
LING HaiFeng;HAN Yuan;YI MingDong;YANG Tao;FAN QuLi;XIE LingHai;HUANG Wei;Center for Molecular Systems and Organic Devices;Key Laboratory for Org Electron and Information Displays & Institute of Adv Mater;National Synergistic Innovation Center for Adv Mater;Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications;Key Laboratory of Flexible Electronics & Institute of Adv Mater;National Synergistic Innovation Center for Adv Mater;Nanjing Tech University;
VO2 thermochromic smart windows: From nanoparticles to flexible foils
ZHANG ZongTao;LUO HongJie;GAO YanFeng;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Zhengzhou University;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Shanghai University;
Face information processing in the left inferior temporal lobe: An ECoG case study
ZHANG Ye;SHAO HanYu;GASPAR Carl M.;CHEN Wei;ZHU JunMing;TANG YeLei;HE Sheng;WENG XuChu;Center for Cognition and Brain Disorders;Hangzhou Normal University;Zhejiang Key Laboratory for Research in Assessment of Cognitive Impairments;Institute of Biophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Neurology;Second Affiliated Hospital;School of Medicine;Zhejiang University;Departments of Psychology;University of Minnesota;
Analysis of total solar irradiance observed by FY-3C Solar Irradiance Monitor-Ⅱ
QI Jin;ZHANG Peng;QIU Hong;FANG Wei;YE Xin;WANG YuPeng;National Satellite Meteorological Center;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
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