Recent progress in invasion ecology
WU Hao;DING JianQing;Key Laboratory of Aquatic Botany and Watershed Ecology;Wuhan Botanical Garden;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Heterogeneity of anatomical structure in giant leaves of Musa balbisiana
LI Shuai;CAO KunFang;Key Laboratory of Tropical Forest Ecology;Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Life Sciences;University of Science and Technology of China;Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Microbial and Plant Genetic Engineering;State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-bioresources;College of Forestry;Guangxi University;
Genetic diversity of captive langurs in the Wuzhou Langur Breeding Center and individual selection for reintroduction
SHI FangLei;YANG HongXi;TANG ZhaoHui;BAO WeiDong;QUE TengCheng;FENG BiYan;JIANG YingHong;LI Ming;LIU ZhiJin;PAN HuiJuan;College of Nature Conservation;Beijing Forestry University;Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology;Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Wuzhou Langur Breeding Center;College of Biological Science and Technology;Beijing Forestry University;Guangxi Rare and Endangered Wildlife Rescue Research Center;Guangxi Forestry Department;