Research progress and application prospect of Airy beams
ZHANG Ze;HU Yi;ZHAO JuanYing;ZHANG Peng;CHEN ZhiGang;Chinese Academy of Opto-electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;TEDA Applied Physics School;Nankai University;Department of Physics and Astronomy;San Francisco State University;INRS-EMT;1650 Blvd. Lionel-Boulet;School of Optoelectronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center;University of California;
Induction of autophagy by nanoparticles and their application in biomedicine
CUI ZhiFen;ZHU Ying;LI XiaoMing;KONG HuaTing;CHEN Nan;SUN YanHong;SHENG Chun;FAN ChunHai;HUANG Qing;College of Life and Environmental Sciences;Shanghai Normal University;Laboratory of Physical Biology;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;