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Chinese Science Bulletin
2013 Issue 34
duo chi du mo ni :2013 nian nuo bei er hua xue jiang jie du
zhang yan ; han ke li ;
xi bao nei de yun shu xi tong :2013 nian nuo bei er sheng li xue huo yi xue jiang jie xi
liu bei ; song zuo li ; xu tao ;
Research progress and application prospect of Airy beams
ZHANG Ze;HU Yi;ZHAO JuanYing;ZHANG Peng;CHEN ZhiGang;Chinese Academy of Opto-electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;TEDA Applied Physics School;Nankai University;Department of Physics and Astronomy;San Francisco State University;INRS-EMT;1650 Blvd. Lionel-Boulet;School of Optoelectronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center;University of California;
Induction of autophagy by nanoparticles and their application in biomedicine
CUI ZhiFen;ZHU Ying;LI XiaoMing;KONG HuaTing;CHEN Nan;SUN YanHong;SHENG Chun;FAN ChunHai;HUANG Qing;College of Life and Environmental Sciences;Shanghai Normal University;Laboratory of Physical Biology;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A model for scientific discovery in psychological logics
CAI ShuShan;Department of Psychology;Tsinghua University;Center for Psychology and Cognitive Science;Tsinghua University;Institute of Science;Technology and Society;Tsinghua University;
Interference effects of high-order harmonic generation from mixed gases
JIN FaCheng;LI XiaoYong;WANG GuoLi;ZHOU XiaoXin;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Northwest Normal University;
Preparation and self-assembly of supramolecular polymers based on the G-quartet cage
SUN WeiDong;BI YunLong;ZHENG PengCheng;YU ShuPing;HAN KeFei;YU JingHua;ZHU Hong & WANG ZhongMing College of Science;Beijing University of Chemical Technology;
The effect of habitat filtering on tree seedling distribution in a subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest in China
TIAN Kai;CHEN Lei;MI XiangCheng;MA KePing;CHEN JianHua;College of Chemistry and Life Sciences;Zhejiang Normal University;State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change;Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Analysis of selection pressure and recombination in coding-region of classical swine fever virus
JIA Lin;YAO YuTing;XIAO Ming;Biology Department;College of Life and Environment Sciences;Shanghai Normal University;
Reinterpretation of metamorphic age of the Hengshan Complex, North China Craton
Zhang Y H;Wei C J;Tian W;
Analysis of papers published by completed projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China in recent three years
ZHAO GuiLing;LIU ShiYu;YU ZhenLiang;DU ShengMing;Department of Life Sciences;National Natural Science Foundation of China;College of Land Resources and Environment;Jiangxi Agricultural University;