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Chinese Science Bulletin
2012 Issue Z1
qian ran du da shu xue mao fa ji zu zhi zang qi qian zhi wen cha yi xian xiang
zeng jing zuo lai lai ou yang li wu jing wang jing yu
First record of dinosaur trackways in Beijing,China
ZHANG JianPing1;XING LiDa2*;GierliNski Gerard D.3;4;WU FaDong1;TIAN MingZhong1 & CURRIE Philip2 1 Research Center for Geopark Investigation and Evaluation;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China;2 Department of Biological Sciences;University of Alberta;Edmonton;Alberta T6G 2E9;Canada;3 JuraPark;Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski 27-400;Poland;4 Polish Geological Institute;Warszawa 00-975;Poland
tai wan he liu chen ji wu de zuo tu kuang wu zu cheng te zheng yu wu zhi lai yuan
li chuan shun shi xue fa gao shu ji chen ming de liu zuo guang fang xi sheng lv hua hua zou jian jun liu sheng fa qiao shu qing
calaga3o7:dy3+ ying guang fen de guang zhi he yin ji she xian fa guang xing neng
zhao wen yu an sheng li fan bin li song bo dai ya tang
yi zuo zuo an dui lai yin yi zao he xiao qiu zao tan tong wei su fen liu de ying xiang
wu yan you xu ying li hai tao xing de ke
leng jing ye ji xie ya zhi cheng xing de kuai ti al85ni10ce5 fei jing he jin fu he cai liao
wei xian shun huang yong jiang vekshin borissergeevitch kraposhin valentinsidorovitch shen jun
New progress and prospects in the study of rock-weathering-related carbon sinks
LIU ZaiHua State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry;Institute of Geochemistry;Guiyang 550002;China
fei bian ma rna zai zhong liu fa sheng zhong de bu tong zuo yong
lin mei wu jing dan ge
Environmental adaptation studies in human populations
JI LinDan1;2;XU Jin2;3 & ZHANG YaPing2;4* 1 Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;School of Medicine;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China;2 State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution;Kunming Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Kunming 650223;China;3 Institute of Public Health;School of Medicine;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China;4 Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Bio-resource;Yunnan University;Kunming 650091;China
Application of life cycle assessment(LCA) to remediation technologies selection for PCBs contaminated sites
HU XinTao1;ZHU JianXin1 & DING Qiong2 1 Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China;2 Foreign Economic Cooperation Office;Ministry of Environmental Protection;Beijing 100035;China