Exploring the origin of domesticated pigs in the Yellow River area using information from ancient DNA
WANG Zhi1; XIANG Hai1; YUAN Jing2; LUO YunBing3 & ZHAO XingBo1 1 National Engineering Laboratory for Animal Breeding & Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics; Breeding and Reproduction; Ministry of Agriculture; College of Animal Science and Technology; China Agricultural University; Beijing 100193; China; 2 Institute of Archaeology; Chinese Academy of Social Science; Beijing 100710; China; 3 School of History; Wuhan University; Wuhan 430077; China
Fade and recovery process of algae-induced black bloom in Lake Taihu under different wind conditions
SHEN QiuShi1;2; SHAO ShiGuang3; WANG ZhaoDe1;2; ZHANG Lei1; HU HaiYan3 & FAN ChengXin1 1 State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment; Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanjing 210008; China; 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China; 3 College of Hydrology and Water Resources; Hohai University; Nanjing 210098; China