Recent progress in hyperbranched polymers
ZHANG XiaoPing; HUANG YanQin; REN HouJi; FAN QuLi & HUANG Wei Key Laboratory for Organic Electronics & Information Displays and Institute of Advanced Materials; Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications; Nanjing 210046; China
Characteristics of the size distribution and mixing state of black carbon aerosol in Shenzhen in winter
SUN TianLe1; HE LingYan1; HUANG XiaoFeng1; ZENG LiWu1; HU Min2; ZHANG YuanHang2 1 Key Laboratory for Urban Habitat Environmental Science and Technology; School of Environment and Energy; Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School; Shenzhen 518055; China; 2 State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control; College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering; Peking University; Beijing 100871; China
Separation of blood plasma by inertial focusing using microfluidic chips
HUANG WeiDong1;2; ZHANG He2;3; XU Tao2; LI CheukWing2; ZHOU LeiJi1 & YANG MengSu2 1 Department of Chemistry; College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Xiamen University; Xiamen 361005; China; 2 City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute; Shenzhen 518057; China; 3 Hunan Institute of Engineering; Xiangtan 411104; China