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Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering
2007 Issue 2
Field Measurement on Movement and Deformation Rule of Mining Induced Railway Bridge
TAN Zhi-xiang;YANG Huai-yong;DENG Ka-zhong
Optimization Design of Combined Supporting for Complex Soft Rock Roadways
YU Wei-jian;GAO Qian;SONG Jian-guo
Roof Caving Characteristic and Strata Behavior in Exploiting Steep Coal Seams
ZHAO Yuan-fang;ZHANG Xiang-yang;TU Min
Hysteretic Bifurcation in Systems of Forchheimer's Non-Darcy Flow
SI Xu-fei;TANG Ping;LI Tian-zhen;Huang Xian-wu
Evolution Rule of Cracks in Roof Rocks over the Three Soft" Unstable Coal Seam
ZHAO Bao-tai;LIN Bai-quan;LIN Chuan-bing
Covering Soil Reclamation in Xinzhuangzi Coal Mine
XU Liang-ji;GAO Yong-mei;LIU Yu-ling;CHEN Fang;LIU Jin-song;YUAN Jia-zhu
Application of Analytic Method in Calculating Floor Stress of a Working Face
ZHU Shu-yun;JIANG Zhen-quan;YAO Pu;XIAO Wei-guo
Analysis of Abnormal Strata Behavior in the Advance Entry with Fully-Mechanized Top-Coal Caving
LI Dian-ping;DAI Jin;MENG Xiang-jun;JIANG Jin-quan
Stability Principle of Extremely Rigid Secondary Support for Soft and Broken Rock Roadway
CHANG Qing-liang;ZHOU Hua-qiang;LI Da-wei;BAI Jian-biao;HOU Chao-jiong
Location Synthesis of Micro-Seismic Monitoring Results on Mining Maps and Its Application
LI Quan-xiao;JIANG Fu-xing;WANG Cun-wen;YE Gen-xi
Carrying Capacity of Deep Mine Soft Rock Roadway Supported by Bolting and Grouting
ZHANG Bai-hong;HAN Li-jun;WANG Yan-ning;HAN Gui-lei;LIU Tian-zhi
Numerical Simulation of Interaction Among Intermittent Joints
LIU Gang;LONG Jing-kui;WANG Zhao-hua
Prestress Truss Bolt Support Technology for Coal Roadway
LI Gui-chen;ZHANG Nong;LIU Zhao-hui;KAN Jia-guang
Characteristic of Microseismic Monitoring Signal in High Stressed Zone
CAO An-ye;DOU Lin-ming;QIN Yu-hong;LI Zhi-hua;GONG Si-yuan;WANG Yu-gang
Comprehensive Assessment of Security in Coal Mines Based on Grey Relevance Analysis
CAO Shu-gang;XU A-meng;LIU Yan-bao;ZHANG Li-qiang
Measurement of Dynamic Parameters of Coal Oxidation at Low Temperature Based on Oxygen Consumption
LI Zeng-hua;QI Feng;DU Chang-sheng;PAN Shang-kun;YANG Yong-liang
Discussion on Rational Ways for Coal Gangue Treatment and Utilization
BIAN Zheng-fu;JIN Dan;DONG Ji-hong;MU Shou-guo
Simulation on Instability Mechanism of Mining Induced Sensitive Floor Roadway
LIU Han-xi;LI Xue-hua;CHEN Xiu-you;CHEN Jia-xuan
Design of Wireless Measuring System for Working Resistance of Supports Based on PTR2000 Technique
FU Dong-bo;QI Qing-xin;XU Gang;CHEN Bing
Engineering Characteristics of Soft Clay and Its Roadbed Treatment in Nansha Area, Guangzhou
ZHOU Bo;GAO Quan-chen;ZHANG Mei;ZHU Lu-jun
Test of Soil Volume Changes During Process of Excavation
ZHANG Pei-sen;CHEN Shao-jie
Effect of Explosive Quake in Working Face on Stability of Laneway in Coal Mine
ZHANG Ping-song;LIU Sheng-dong
Disturbed Depth of Building Load in Subsidence Ground of Mining Area
LI Liang;WU Kan;HUANG Cheng-liang
Optimum Simulation of Methane Control for Super-Length Fully Mechanized Top-Coal Caving Face
WANG Yi-jiang;YANG Sheng-qiang;XU Jia-lin;LING Zhi-qian;QU Qing-dong
Risk Analysis of Coal and Gas Outburst in Vertical Shaft and the Prevention Measures
LIU Hong-yong;CHENG Yuan-ping;ZHOU Hong-xing;WANG Hai-feng;YU Qi-xiang