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Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering
2002 Issue 4
New method to determine the main roof pressure in tridimensional simulated test
xiao jiang ; jiang xin jun ; chen jian qiang
Geological condition and mining safety
yao qing han ; yu kai qing
EME monitoring technique of rock burst
zuo lin ming ; cao qi wei ; he xue qiu ; wang en yuan
Study on the relationship of rock burst and the tide caused by universal gravitation in Huafeng mine
chen shang ben ; zhang xiu feng ; tang ju peng
Practice of preventing rock burst in isolated island pillar coal face
wu xing rong ; ma ji xin ; jing sheng quan ; cui kai fu
Analysis of FLAC software in calculating the face stability of surrounding rock
wu hong ci ; hu xing ; bao tai
The method of inversion simulation to damage of surface caused by underground mining
yu xue yi ; yi shi xian ; zhao bing chao
Practice of shrinking mine technology in fully mechanized mining face
zhang ji xiong ; zhang yin
The relationship between slicing fully mechanized mining development and fully mechanized mining equipments
di xin xian ; dong shuang xi ; tie zhan xu ; kang quan yu ; hu qing
Mechanism and technique on the bolting coal entry in isolated island fully mechanized top-coal caving face
bai jian biao ; zhang jin liang ; wang long fang
Bolting technique in large section coal entry
li yu xiang ; wang qiang
Application of resin bolt supporting technology in deep soft rock tunnel
xu long cang ; zhang ming jie ; liu si yuan
Bolting technique in the gob-side entry
zhang sheng hua ; li guo fu
Study on cable-beam support technology of big section area roof board with weathering and flabbiness character
yang ben shui ; zhang yu chi ; yan chang yin ; wang cong shu
Technique of high strength prestressed bolt with iron mesh in three soft gob-side entry
zhu yu xin ; ding bang xiang
District cross-cut convergence regularity caused by over-the-roadway extraction in deep colliery
du ji ping ; wang li quan ; wang yuan long ; zuo de guang
Application of numerical calculation method in evaluating the stope stability of ore body
qiu xian de ; huang mu kun ; wang xin fei ; zhang dong zhi ; deng jin can ; ren ji lin ; li jian hui
New method of testing infiltration of loosing rock
liu yu qing ; li yu shou ; sun ming gui
Testing technique of compression intensity of drifting concrete layer
zou de yun ; zheng quan jiu ; zhao sen
Manufacture and application of the instrument of monitoring roof bed separation
zhang shao hua ; cao wei zhong ; zhong guo qiang
Research of passing fault with comparatively high fall in fully mechanized top-coal caving face
ma hong fen ; yang pei jun ; li jian jun ; wang min
The classification of top coal cavability in fully mechanized top-coal caving face
zhu chuan qu ; zuo xie xing
The curve fractal of top coal displacement
lu ming xin
Development and application of light-duty caving support
meng xian rui ; chen hai bo ; gao sheng yuan ; zhang xiao bing
Analysis of water bursting source in Chengjiao colliery's tailgate
li yi xin ; wang lin ; zhang cheng ; chen chun zhi
Driving gob-side entry with small pillar and its maintenance
yang kai gui
Safety construction in driving gob-side roadway with small pillar
sun lie xi ; wang guo wen
Pretentioned supporting system of roadway and its engineering application
zhang nong ; gao ming shi ; xu xing liang