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Journal of Kashgar Teachers College
2002 Issue 5
The Reference Work of Academic Libraries on the New Times
di li xia ti jia pa er
sheng le xue xi zhong ying dang chu li hao liang da guan xi
wang cheng wen
Metacognition and Learning Motivation
zuo zhi ying
wu ting fang jun shi wai jiao si xiang chu tan
sun xiao fei
wei wu er yu - u/-gy gu jin tan
yang cheng xing
A Brief Discussion of Vagueness in Literary Works and Their Translation
zeng yu jun ; tang xin jie
On the Overall Development of the Person of the Socialism Theory
zhou chao ; xie nian hua
The Circle of Milidu
pan dao zheng ; huang li rong
min guo xin jiang jiao tong gai zong
zhou zuo