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Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
2010 Issue 5
A method of wind velocity distribution above the sea surface in near-shore waters
NI Zhi-hui;WU Li-chun;SONG Zhi-yao
Research status of TBCC inlet and its key technologies
ZHANG Hua-jun;GUO Rong-wei;LI Bo
Effects of segmented Gurney flaps on the aerodynamics of a target drone model
ZHAO Yuan-li;ZUO Lin-xuan;YU Dong-sheng;WANG Jin-jun
Experimental investigation of cross-flow instability in swept-wing boundary layers
ZUO Sui-han;YANG Yong;LI Dong;LI Yue-li
A feature-based data mining method for fluid dynamics
XIE Li-jun;ZHANG Shuai;ZHANG Ji-fa;ZHENG Yao;ZHOU Di-bin
Investigation and application of two-component pressure sensitive paint technique
ZHANG Yong-cun;CHEN Liu-sheng;MA Xiao-guang;CHEN Xue-yuan;YAN Li;ZHAO Wen-tao;SHANG Jin-kui;GUO Fa-chun;DENG Xue-ying;CHENG Hou-mei
Study on eulerian method for icing collection efficiency computation and its application
YI Xian;WANG Kai-chun;GUI Ye-wei;ZHU Guo-lin
Propeller wake analysis by means of PIV in large water tunnel
LI Guang-nian;ZHANG Jun;ZHANG Guo-ping;LU Lin-zhang
Preliminary study on correlative parameters of extrapolation-to-flight of aerodynamic heating from wind tunnels
LI Ming;LIAO Jun-bi;ZEN Xue-jun;ZHU Zhi-wei;ZHANG Kou-li
The method of heat flux calculation base on integral method
CHEN Si-yuan;JIANG Gui-qing;ZHANG Liang
Numerical investigation of lateral jets in supersonic cross-flows
CAI Jin-sheng;LIU Qiu-hong
Investigation to disposition scheme of 2DPIV field of view
DONG Chao;DENG Xue-ying;WANG Yan-kui;ZHANG Jie
Study of aero-optical aberration measuring method based on BOS
ZHANG Hong-chao;ZHAO Yu-xin;YANG Tao
An artificial transition technique applied to wing rock induced by forebody vortex
WANG Bing;DENG Xue-ying;MA Bao-feng;RONG Zhen
Numerical investigation of a flutter exciting system based on overset grids
XU He-yong;YE Zheng-yin;Huo Xing-li
Analysis for the effects of diesel engine helical inlet track\'s structure parameters on airway performances
BI Yu-hua;He Chang-ming;LEI Ji-lin;SHEN Li-zhong
Experiments for reducing a flow field impacts on the light transmition by a guide plate
CHEN Zhi-qiang;GUO Long-de;XIE Wei-ming;FU Song
Aerodynamic design method based on N-S equations and discrete adjoint approach
ZUO Ying-tao;GAO Zheng-hong;HE Jun