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Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
2004 Issue 1
Simulation of the release of store based on the moving chimera grid technique
li xiao wei ; fan xu ji
Hyperbolic grid generation using upwind scheme
yang ai ming ; weng pei fen
Side-wall boundary layer removal at airfoil test based on Navier-Stokes equations
wang da hai ; su bin ; chen zhi min ; xu min
Numerical study of the far-filed intensity distribution of laser beam disturbed by shock wave
he xu zhao ; yi shi he ; kong tie quan
Numerical simulation of viscous supersonic flows by finite spectral method
qiu quan hui ; wang jian ping
Numerical analysis of flow in a lobed exhaust-ejector with a double-wall diffuser
wang suo fang ; li li guo ; wu guo zuo
Numerical simulation and mechanism study of the interaction of adjacent synthetic jet actuators
luo zhen bing ; xia zhi xun ; hu jian xin ; wang zhi ji ; zhao jian min ; zuo wan bo
Aeroacoustic noise prediction of helicopter rotor in forward flight using Kirchhoff method
han zhong hua ; song wen ping ; qiao zhi de
Wind load on cantilevered structures of long span roofs
shen guo hui ; sun bing zuo ; lou wen juan
Wind tunnel experimental research on aerodynamic improvement of UAV
wu xi shuan ; shi xiao juan ; wang jian pei
The prediction of thermal protection performance for coating material
jiang gui qing ; ma shu ya
Simulation on double two-phase fluid heat exchanger
xia wen qing ; liu wei hua ; zhu chun ling
Estimation the turbulent dissipation rate in a horizontal rectangular duct by large eddy PIV method
wang han feng ; guo fu shui ; liu chao hui ; zheng chu guang
Influence of nose bluntness on behaviors of multi-asymmetric vortices flow over slender body
wang gang ; deng xue ying ; liu pei qing ; wang yan kui
Aerodynamic parameter identification of rapid self-rotating flight vehicle
wang qing ; wan zong guo ; qian zuo zuo ; he zheng chun ; cai jin shi