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Chinese Journal of Dental Materials and Devices
2001 Issue 2
chuang kan
ya mian chui gan ji de yan zhi
qi ren cai ; hou shou hu
zhu zao gui jin shu he jin
xue zuo
Development of velopharyngeal ring ligation instrument and observation of clinical effect
mao yu hu ; chen de hou ; li shi wu ; wang yao sen ; sun xian feng
Treatment of loosing teeth with innerfixation
li jun zhen ; duan yu mei ; liu liang fa
Clinical observation on treatment of chronic periodontitis with vitapex
yu xiong zhi ; he xiao song
Comparison among three different temporary filling materals in clinical application
zhao xiao li ; feng min jie ; zhao li li
Comment on common root filling materials in clinic
chen li zhong ; zhang jing bo ; wu en ge
The characteristics of bioactive glass and its oral clinical application
zhu lei ; liang jing ping ; li guo liang
Reinforcement of mechanical properties for denture base
xu yuan zhi ; zhang fu qiang
jie he shi ji , jia qiang kou qiang cai liao xue de jiao xue
shi lian shui ; zhu hong shui ; sun yi ping
Analysis for the cause of 348 unsuccessful porcelain fuse to metal
lin xiao hong ; chen wei xin
Resin post-core used in large defects of molar teeth
ma yun hu
A study on cytocompatiility of human chondrocyte and intelligent polymers
huang zhe zuo ; sun zuo ; xia wan yao ; li yi wen ; chen jie
Testing for efficiency of denture detergent
li ming yu ; liu zheng ; zhu cai lian
The effect of gravity and viscosity on the absorbent properties of standard paper points
yu jin hua ; yu wei yi ; liu wei hong ; sun wei bin ; zhu qing ping ; zhu ling
A 3-D finite element stress analysis of angled abutment for a single implant in the anterior maxilla
pan zuo ; chen bi sheng ; jiang xiao zhong ; he yu lin