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Accounting Research
2008 Issue 3
Evolution and Practices of Internal Control in Government Agency in USA
LIU Yu-ting;WANG Hong
Construction of Government Accounting System in China
ZHANG Guo-xing
The Interaction between Changes of Investor Protection and Accounting Reform
CAI Ning;WEI Ming-hai;LU Xiao-yan
hui ji yan jiu tou gao zhi nan
English Abstracts of Main Papers
DEA about the Operation Efficiency of the Accounting Firms in China
XU Han-you;TANG Gu-liang;WANG Xian-di
Accrual Reliability, Earnings Persistence and their Capital Market Reactions
ZHANG Guo-qing;ZHAO Jing-wen
Information Reliability, Corporate Growth and Earnings Persistence
PENG Shao-bing;HUANG Yi-jian;ZHAO Gen