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Spatial Structures
2003 Issue 3
Application of linear programming in calculation of members' cutting length of lattice structures
li feng hai ; bi wu hu ; bi yan bo ; yu gang yong ; jiang xi yang
Large steel storage tanks under differential settlement
chen ling zhi ; zhao yang
Development of two auxiliary application programs for the membrane structures design
zhang jin fei ; chen wu jun
Methods for calculating added mass of fabric structures
wang ji sheng ; yang qing shan ; wu yue ; zhang liang quan
Analysis of orthogonal spatial cable truss
liu kai guo
Structural behavior of a new type of beam string structure for glass roofs
yan hui ; liu zhong hua ; zhang jie
Research on the of initial prestress determination for cable-strut-beam systems
zhang zhi hong ; dong shi zuo
Shape design of space structures based on bionics
zhuo xin ; dong shi zuo