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Science Technology and Industry
2015 Issue 2
Research on Supervision System of Carbon Emission Trade
GAO Shan;
Study on Mode of Credit Chain Financing under Stochastic Demand
MA Wen-cheng;,WANG Ju-xiang;
University Innovation Efficiency Measurement and Regional Innovation Environment Impact Analysis
LI Qiu-yue;,LIU Sheng-xue;,FU Yue-long;
Based on the Input-Output Tables of Industrial Correlation and Carbon Emissions Studies in Henan Province
LIN Ju-ying;,WANG Shan-shan;,ZHANG Rui-qin;,LIU Lei;
Product Market Competition and the Agency Cost
XU Li;,DING Hao-dong;
A Study on Innovation Policy in G Development Zone
HUANG Shi-zheng;,LIU Ji-liang;
A Review on the Impact of Technology Innovation to Industrial International Competitiveness
CHEN Jian-ling;,CHEN Jian-fei;,LIU Yan-na;
Analysis on Pressure Index of Cultivated Land and Its Predictionin Xinyang
ZHOU Yong-sheng;,DONG Fen-yi;,MA Xiao-meng;,XAIO Mei-dan;
Panel Data Analysis of Private Sector Employment
LIANG Hui-ling;,LIN Yu-rui;
Thinking of Services Innovation in the Big Data Era
XU Xiao-ying;
Study of Information Disclosure of Biological Assets in Agricultural Listed Companies
JIANG Qing-xia;,WEI Yuan-zhu;,DENG Meng-qiu;,XIE Bang-sheng;