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Science Technology and Industry
2009 Issue 4
To Mudanjiang Development Convention and Exhibition Industry Analysis
DONG Xiu-hua;ZHU Ming;WANG Tong-shu
The Problems and Countermeasures of Wanxi Agricultural Product Brand Construction
LIU Sheng-chun;ZHANG Xian-guo
Xiang-xi State with Singapore Tourism Delelopment Comparision
ZHANG Yong;XIE Jiang
The Female Elements in Hotels' Marketing Strategies
LIU Dan;CHEN Qin-lan;ZHENG Xiang-min
The Research of the Management Model in Architectural Construction Risks
LIU Li-na;HAN Wei;LIU Wei
A Demonstrate Analysis of Patent Output and Its Benefit of Enterprises in Our Country
ZHANG Chuan-jie;FENG Chun-xiao
The Modern Theory of the Electricity Market Services
WANG Xin-dong
Setting up The Fuzzy Assessment Model of the Internal Control
LIU Tao;ZHENG Peng;CHU Ying-jie
Analysis and Methods of Prevention and Cure about Coal Mine Water Calamity
SONG Dong-ri;TAN Xiang-long;LI Jie
Cast-in-place Concrete Crack Control
ZHANG Zheng-hai
IT Project Management Team Building
The Enlightenment of Zhuangzi's Thoughts for Our Modern Education
XU Li-li;ZHANG Cong-lin