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Science Technology and Industry
2008 Issue 1
Energy Trade and China's Energy Security
GAO Jian-liang;LIANG Gui-zhi;HUANG Yue
International Comparison of Scientific and Technological Input and Its Implications
YAN Si-rong;GUO Hui-wen;ZHANG Wen-qi
Analysising and Thinking about the New Industrialization Road
WANG Feng-guo
Capital Structure and Corporate Governance Research of Listed Companies
DAI Yong-xiu;ZHANG Liu-mei
Analysis about Heteroskedasticity of Forecasting Model
The Reform of Construction Cost Model
SHI Zhen-wu;LI Xue-ying
The Social Responsibility is a Goal the Modern Enterprise Development Must have
YANG Jia-xin;YANG Yan-bo
The Research of Performance Management of Utility Enterprise
JIANG Ling;HU Guo-liang
Analysis on Building Harmonious Society of Resources Cities
MA Zheng-ya;WEI Shao-wu
On the Concept and Connotation of 4PL
LI Qiang;ZHAO Ying-qi;SHI Hong-hong
Clusters of High-tech Industries in Endogenous Growth Mechanism
ZHANG Xiao-rong;WANG Jin-zhou
The Study on Network Contacts of Innovation Networks of High-tech Zones
SUN Shao-fang;HUANG Sheng-bo;SUN Yan-dong
Study on Basis of Selection Leading Industry in Jiaxing City
REN Lei;LI Shi-jin;CHENG Rong
Development of Japan's Software Outsourcing in China
HUANG Lu-jin;KANG Wen-juan