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Science Technology and Industry
2007 Issue 9
ke ji he chan ye tou gao jian ze
An Empirical Analysis on the Industry Market Performance of Western China
GONG Xin-shu;CHENG Guang-bin;WANG Yong-jing
The SWOT Analysis of E-mail Marketing
CHENG Yu-shan;ZHUANG Xiao-jiang
Some Considerations on the Development of China Headquarter Economic
WANG Jun;ZHANG Xiu-hua
Markor Method Used in Our Composition of Three Industries
SUN Jing-yan;WANG Ai-kun
Major Issues of Industrial Development Planning
DU Li;YUAN Yi-jun
About the Model Analysis of the Operational Mechanism of Cooperating Marketing
ZHANG Wei-dong;LI Chang-hong
Diversification of Ownership in Rural Credit Cooperatives
XU Ying-fu
Researching on Bank Loading Customers by RFM Analysis base on Rough Set
ZHANG Yang;CHEN Pei-you
Characteristic Analysis of City Tour
FU Tai-hao
Designing the Program and Methods of Networked Auditing Based on Sharing Resource
ZANG Xiu-qing;LIU Gui-lan;LIU Hai-yan
Discussion on Bidding Modes of Wind and Electricity Project
SHI Yi-fa;WU Xiao-ping