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Science Technology and Industry
2007 Issue 2
Personal Credit Appraisal in the Consumption Credit
XIE Meng
The Choice of Mortgage-backed Securitization of China
Thoughts on Transformation of Value-added Tax in Northeast Region
HAN Xiaochen;XU Xiangkun
Problems and Countermeasures of Professional Managers' Draining in Private Enterprises
YAN Honghe;DONG Dengquan;YANG Wansu;HUANG Qingqing
The Experience of Foreign-merge Regulation in West and Reveals
TANG Xubing;LUO Anguo;ZHONG Yejiao
Research of City Core Competence
XIONG Haoping;WANG Xiaohua
Anslysis of the Value of Loyal Customers
TAO Min;SHAO Ying;YE Baiqing