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Journal of Kaifeng Institute of Education
2010 Issue 3
Problems and Solutions on Rural Normal Development
zhou hong
A Survey of the Origin of Aesthetic Judgment
wang ning ; zuo liang ying
Definition and Understanding of Media Sports Publicity
chen zhi
gao xiao cheng xin dang an de si kao
li yan ling
Analysis on the Folk Custom "Song Qiong" in North Henan
bai tang an ; zhu dao ping
Questioning Is the Lever of Innovation
cui ai zhi
Commercial Originality and Consumer Psychology
liu zuo
zhou shi zong dui kai feng cheng de gong xian
shi ai jun
Several Ideas about Private International Law in Teaching
ma zhi qiang
chu zhong wen yan wen zhu shi zhi yi
shi xue wei
Discussion on Poem Researchers in Earlier Ming Dynasty
yue shu zhen
zhe xue jiao xue zhong de li zhi jiao yu tan suo
han bing
On Features of Business English Vocabulary
liu zeng cai
Study on Skills of "Telling Stories" in Earlier Song Dynasty
han lian zhi
ba shi si diao qian tan
wang jun ying
Study on the Word Skills in Interpretation
xu xin
zou chu you er mei shu zuo pin ping jia de wu qu yu dui ce
wang yan hua
xue sheng xie zuo neng li pei yang de chang shi yu tan suo
yang pei min