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Bus Technology and Research
2001 Issue 6
lun wen zheng ji tong zhi
2001 nian di 1 6 qi zong mu ci
de guo wei ba si tuo gong si de ke che xin xing che men
tian qi xuan
How to Develop the Market of Top Bus in Large Cities
wu cong bao
The Structure and Usage of the Cylinder Bore Gauge
wang hai zuo ; zheng ren gao
Application of FRP to Buses
wen guang nan
Application of Resistance Welding to Buses
zhu er dong
Causes Analysing of the Metallic Gleaming Lacquer
liu shu wen
CAD of the Motor-driven Glass Lifter for Vehicles
zeng feng qing
Causes for Side Deviation of the Bus Body and its Countermeasures
xie qiong ze ; mo hai ying
Talking about Bus Modeling Design
yao gan qin
Development of YK6780H City Bus
su wen bin
Construction Vehicle in City Rail Construction
tang jing mei ; hu hong
A kind of Design of Modularization Idea of Bus Bodies
zhang yu jin ; guo zi yang
Cokind of mparion and Development of Vehicle Oil Heater Technique at Home and Abroad
zhang yong ; shen fu lin ; zhao zhong wen
Main problems of homemade coaches under high speed driving and their corresponding solutions
xiao xin hua ; wu yi hu ; he san quan