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Building Science
2016 Issue 11
Research on a Cable Cooling Tower
Hu Zongyu;,Qian Jihong;,Ma Ming;,Wang Jun;
Probabilistic Analysis of Curtain Walls Impacted by Windborne Debris
Li Haiyun;,Li Yuxue;,Shu Ganping;
Seismic Performance Evaluation Method of Structure Based on Energy Criterion
Liu Qiang;,Zhou Ruizhong;,Wang Miaofang;
Flexural-torsional Bucking Differential Equation on Unilateral Steel Member under Lateral Load
He Bin;,Fu Guo;,Tian Xingyun;,Zhang Bo;
Dynamic Analysis of Double Array Earthguake Simulation Shaking Table Foundation
Tao Dehuai;,Song Jiahuan;,Liu Yanhui;,Su Qiwang;
Design on Exposed Column Base Combined of Steel and Concrete Subjected to Uniaxial Force
Guo Mingxia;,Cao Pingzhou;,Xiao Jianhua;,Wu Kai;
Analysis on Large Deflection Buckling of Non-uniform Steel Member with Local Damage by FRP Strengthening
Li Bin;,Luo Hua;,Li Chuanxi;,Wang Weiwei;
Test Analysis of Damage Recovery of Reinforced Concrete Beams after Repeated Loading
Zheng Xuhui;,Sun Jinzhong;,Zhao Lijuan;,Wu Jinling;
Study on Pile Tip Effect of Jacked Pile in Sand
Jiang Yuenan;,Huang Guanglong;
Influence of Pre-wetted Recycled Fine Aggregate on Drying Shrinkage and Freeze-thaw Resistance of Concrete
Zhang Qiumei;,Liu Baojian;,Xie Yongli;,Luo Youquan;
Static Tests on Different Planted Depth of Concrete Beams
Yan Xikang;,Cong Lin;,Zhang Yucong;,Kong Dexia;,Wei Xinglei;,Tao Jianwei;
Development of Internet + Smart Building
Wang Li;,Sun Lianying;,Wang Tianlai;
Study on Energy-based Optimal Plastic Design for RC Frames
Zhang Ru;,Wang Decai;,Chong Xun;
Structural Design and Analysis of Huineng Mansion in Mongolia
Tian Xiaoyan;,Liu Jing;,Li Yuan;