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Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Natural Sciences Edition)
2016 Issue 1
The Binomial Moments and Attribute Factors for Biochemical Reaction Systems
ZHOU Tianshou;School of Mathematics and Computational Science;Sun Yet-Sen University;
The Analysis of Expression Dynamics in a Multi-On Gene System
YANG Xiyan;ZHOU Tianshou;Department of Applied Mathematics;Guangdong University of Finance;School of Mathematics and Computational Science;Sun Yat-Sen University;
The miRNA Regulation-Induced Random Gain and Bimodal Expression
SHI Changhong;School of Public Health;Guangzhou Medical University;
The Effect of Government Subsides,Rural Incomes and Urbanization Proceeding on the Grain Productivity
LIU Haiying;XIE Jianzheng;Center of Quantitative Economics;Jilin University;School of Business;Jilin University;
The Causes Decomposition of International Grain Price Volatility Based on SVAR Model
WANG Shaofen;ZHAO Xindong;School of Economics;Minnan Normal University;Institute of Quantitative Economics;Huaqiao University;
The Research on the Flow of Outsourcing Based on the General Equilibrium Model
WANG Xing;TAO Changqi;TANG Guoji;College of Information Technology;Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics;Department of Mathematics;Guangxi University for Nationalities;
The Continuity of Sets’ Intersection Operation and the Generic Stability of Fixed Point and Fan Ky Point
ZUO Yonghua;LU Meihua;Graduate School at Shenzhen;Tsinghua University;School of Science;Jiangxi University of Technology;
The Limit Cycle and Its Numerical Simulation of Dynamical System with Reversible Multiple Molecules and Saturated Reaction
ZENG Guanghong;LIU Huaxiang;WU Qingchu;College of Mathematics and Informatics;Jiangxi Normal University;Department of Mathematics;Guangdong Ocean University;
The Revision of the Reduced RUM Based on the Attribute Hierarchy
CAI Yan;TU Dongbo;School of Psychology of Jiangxi Normal University;Lab of Psychology and Cognition Science of Jiangxi;
The Several Stratified Methods of CAT in the Presence of Calibration Error
LI Jia;DING Shuliang;College of Computer Information Engineering;Jiangxi Normal University;
The Scheme of Teleportation Based on Coherent Entangled State with Almost Perfect Probability of Success
ZHANG Lijian;YE Zhiqing;College of Physics & Communic Electronics;Key Laboratory of Photoelectronic & Telecomminication of Jiangxi Province;Jiangxi Normal University;
Lie Symmetry and Conserved Quantity Based on El-Nabulsi Models in Phase Space
ZHANG Xiaocai;ZHANG Yi;College of Mathematics and Physics;Suzhou University of Science and Technology;College of Civil Engineering;Suzhou University of Science and Technology;
An Improved Fast Algorithm for the Fractional Fourier Transform Based on the Method of the Dimensional Normalization
LIN Rui;School of Computer Science and Information Engineering;Chongqing Technology and Business University;National Time Service Centre;Chinese Academy of Science;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The Java-Based Novel Implementation for an Abstract Generic Mechanism Computer Engineering and Applications
TIAN Fang;SHI Haihe;ZUO Zhengkang;WANG Changjing;XUE Jinyun;Provincial Key Laborary High Performance Computing;Jiangxi Normal University;
The Nutritional Diagnoses by Used DRIS Method in Leaves of Camellia oleifera During the Key Periods of Fruit Development
GAO Wei;HUANG Yaru;NING Boxuan;YUAN Jianjun;GONG Chun;XU Linchu;ZHAN Zhiyong;PENG Yiyuan;Jiangxi Academy of Forestry;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Jiangxi Normal University;The High School Affiliated to Nanchang University;Jiangxi Province Forestry Survey Institute;
The Pharmacological Study of Cycloart-Triterpenoids from Cladophora fascicularis
HUANG Xinping;LIN Wenhan;ZHU Xiaobin;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Zhengzhou Normal University;Institute of Oceanology;Chinese Acedemy of Sciences;National Research Laboratories of National and Biomimetic Drugs;Peking University;
The Characterization and Drug Release Behavior Research of P(MAA-co-AAm)/Fe3O4 as Polymer Magnetic Microsphere
DI Hongwei;CAO Jiangping;WEI Juanjuan;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Ningxia Teachers University;Engineering and Technology Research Center of Liupanshan Resources;Ningxia Normal University;
The Spatial-Temporal Changes of Cultivated Land in Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Region
JIANG Meixing;WU Ye;ZHONG Yexi;Educational Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research;College of Geography and Environment;Jiangxi Normal University;
The Temporal and Spatial Variation of Rain Days with Different Grades,Motivation and the Effect of Precipitation in Jiangxi Province
ZHANG Jingwei;ZHENG Lin;WEI Leina;College of Geography and Environment;Educational Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research;Jiangxi Normal University;Institute of Jiangxi Nuclear Industry Geological Survey;