The SERS Activity Study of GC Electrode Modified by Au Hollow Nanospheres
SHANG Zhong-jin;RAO Gui-shi;ZHONG Yan;YAN Liang-liang;XIONG Ting;ZHANG Xian-tu;LIN Xuan;TIAN Wei;ZHONG Qi-ling;Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Jiangxi Normal University;State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces and Department of Chemistry;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Xiamen University;
The Partial Semi-Coarse Multigrid Method on Nonuniform Grid for Convection Diffusion Problems
CAO Fu-jun;YUAN Dong-fang;GE Yong-bin;School of Mathematical Science;University of Science and Technology of China;School of Mathematics;Physics and Biological Engineering;Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology;National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Computational Physics;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;Institute of Applies Mathematics and Mechanics;Ningxia University;