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Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Natural Sciences Edition)
2013 Issue 2
Heavy Metals Accumulation of Dominant Aquatic Plants in the Wetland of Le′an River and Poyang Lake
ZHOU Xue-ling1;XIONG Jian-qiu1;JIAN Min-fei1;CHEN Pu-qing2;XU Peng-fei1;LI Ling-yu1
The Application of QUAL 2K Model to Simulate Water Quality in Le′an River
HUANG Xue-ping1;2;WAN Jin-bao1;KE Ying3
High-Precision Measurement of Small Distance Utilizing the Symmetrical Metal-Cladding Waveguide
SANG Ming-huang1;LI Xin-hua2;YU Zi-xing1;DAI Hai-lang1
Solitary Waves in a Dusty Plasma with Two-Temperature Nonthermal Ions
WANG Hong-yan;ZHANG Kai-biao
A Study on Chinese Emotion Recognition Method
LIU Huan-huan1;LI Shou-shan1;ZHOU Guo-dong1;LI Yi-wei2
Question Similarity Calculation Based on Feature Fusion in Community Question Answering
YANG Hai-tian;WANG Jian;LIN Hong-fei
The Construction of Affective Schemata and Its Application in Text Affective Computing
REN Ju-wei;YANG Liang;LIN Hong-fei
A Movies Ranking Model Based on Collective Intelligence
HE Wen-yi;LIN Hong-fei;YANG Liang
Research of Information Extraction Algorithm Based on Compositional Verification
GENG Yun1;2;JIANG Yan-bing1;GUO Yan2;LIU Yue2;YU Jun2;CHENG Xue-qi2
The Synthesis of Tyosine Kinase Inhibitor Dovitinib
YU Li-de;CUI Han-feng;WANG Xing;YUAN Jin-bin
Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of 2-Aryl-3-(3-Fluorobenzoylamino)-4-Thiazolidinone
ZHANG Ke-song;WANG Yan-ling;CHEN Yi-xing;XU Deng-qing;LI De-jiang
Determinnation of Phosphorus in Laundry Powder by the Flow Injection Chemiluminescence
ZI Jun-feng1;ZHANG Li-ke1;WEI Shi-qian2
Cloning and Vectorconstuction of Der f15 from House Dust Mite Dermatophagoides Farina
LI Zhong-ming;WU Yu-lan;LIU Zhi-gang
Ergodicity for a Class of Markov Operators
GUO Xin-wei1;YU Jian-hua2;QI Hai-tao1
Weighted Inequalities for the Commutator of Calderón-Zygmund Type Operator
XIONG Peng;ZHENG Xiong-jun
The Local Level Sets of Takagi on Symbol Space
LIU Chun-tai
Analysis of Mean Square Exponential Stability for Stochastic Fuzzy Cellular Neural Networks with Delays
ZHANG Qian-hong1;SHAO Yuan-fu2;LIU Jing-zhong3
Relevant Properties of Approximation to Conic Sections with Cubic Hermite Curves
XU Shao-ping;LIU Xiao-ping;LI Chun-quan;HU Ling-yan;YANG Xiao-hui
The Stop-Loss Reinsurance and the Finite Time Ruin Probability of Risk Model
WANG Bing-can1;WEI Yan-hua1;DAI Ning2