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Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Natural Sciences Edition)
2006 Issue 3
The Formation Condition and Disaster Assessment of Debris Flow——Take Dazhaigou Valley as an Example
AO Hao-xiang;LIU Jing;KUANG Ming-sheng;ZHANG Hong;BAO Hua-bing
Some Properties of Certain Analytic Functions
WU Yu-tian;YE Zhong-qiu
On the Dynamics of Composite Transcendental Meromorphic Functions
HUANG Zhi-gang
On Nevanlinna's Second Fundamental Theorem
ZHANG Qing-cai
Determination of Trace Resorcinol by Inhibition Kinetic Spectrophotometry
XU Wen-jun;YUAN Zhao-ling
Determination of P in Iron and Steel by ICP-AES with Stadard Additions
YANG Yan-ling;YIN Qi-fan
Preparation of Alkynyl Sulfides and the Stereoselective Synthesis of (E)-α-Iodovinyl Sulfides
SANG Xiao-yan;WANG Dong;CAI Ming-zhong
Study on Flow Inject Chemiluminescence System of Luminol-K3Fe(CN)6
GOU Jin;XU Hong;HU Ze-jin;ZHAO Zhi-ying;SU Yong-juan
DNA Lattices Grown in Methanol-Water Solution
SONG Cheng;WEN Hong-li;XIAO Shou-jun;SONG Cai-sheng
A Multi-Mutation Genetic Algorithm for the Image-Matching Question
SUN Guo-xi;YIN Jun-xun
Comparison of Three Video Conferencing Standards
CHEN Yong;HUANG Ming-he;LIU Chang-hong
Study of Tree-Stucture Search Mechanism in Gnutella Network
DENG Hong;ZHOU Li;ZHOU Ding-kang
Dynamic Document Clustering Based on Genetic Algorithm
LE Bing;WANG Ming-wen
Effects of Intensity-Dependent Phase-Matching Factor on Four Wave Mixing
HU Hong-wu;WU Lang;KUANG Qing-qiang;XIAO Ping-ping;DENG Man-lan
Solid State Structure of Electrorheological Fluids
WANG Xiao-yun;ZHAO He-ping;PENG Jin-zhang;DENG Ke;YAN Lin
(C)-Structure of Semimodule
ZHANG Ting-hai;CHEN Pei-ci;HUANG Fu-sheng
Equilibrium Existence Theorem of Generalized Largest Element Game
ZUO Yong-hua;LIU Bin-bin
The Signed Cycle Domination Numbers of a Graph and Its Complement
XU Bao-gen;ZHOU Shang-chao
Angular Distribution of Meromorphic Functions and Their Growth
CHEN Hong-ying;YI Cai-feng