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Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi
2003 Issue 2
Effects of "Luye" Seed-coating Formulation on Peanut, Watermelon, Melon and Hot Pepper
zhu ge long ; li jian qiang ; ma zhong wen ; liu xi li ; hu jin he ; xiong qing yun
Inhibition Effects of Chitosan on Phytophora capsici and Fusarium moniliforme
dong qiu hong ; zhang xiang xi
Preliminary Study on Cold-resistance of Seedling of Near-isogenic Lines from Dongxiang Wild Rice
chen da zhou ; xiao ye qing ; pi yong hua ; hu lan xiang ; yu mei jiao
Food Safety Problems and Countermeasures in China
dai ting can ; li wei hong ; lu pu bin ; zhou hai jie
New Techniques of Plant Mutation and Their Application to Rice Breeding
you qing ru ; huang ting xu ; zhang shui jin ; yang dong ; ma hong min
Research Advances in Transgenic Cotton
liu dong qing
Inheritance of Fertility Restoration of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
xie jian kun ; chen qing long ; wan yong
Operational Techniques of Breeding New Hybrid Barley Combinations
zhang ming sheng
Study on Damage of Helicoverpa armigera to Transgenic Bt Cotton and Its Control Index
xu wen hua ; wang yi cheng ; li hong yang ; ji rong long
Comparative Study on Meat Quality between Quality Type and Improved Type of Chongren Chicken
xie jin fang ; xie ming gui ; liu lin xiu ; kang zhao feng ; wei qi peng
Study on Effects of Applying Special Fertilizer for Growing Rice Seedlings to Early Rice
peng chun rui ; tu tian hua ; zhou guo hua ; qiu cai fei ; chen xian mao
Study on Breeding of "Ganwanxian 33" --a Red Quality Late Indica Rice Variety
li yuan xiang ; wang ren chu ; hua yu jian ; jiang xing cun ; li jin guo ; li er mei