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Jiangxi Cottons
2006 Issue 6
Experience of flax high yielding cultivate in Anxiang county
HE Kai-zhun;LIU Dong-lan;ZHANG Yun-sheng
Effect of forced ripening cotton using kewuzong
ZHU Wei-fang;WU Yun-gao
How to control two spotted spider mite in zoophobous cotton field
cao yu lin ; tan mao fa ; xu liang tao ; liu wen feng
Growing characters and high-yielding cultivate techniques of xumian 18
LI Jia-yun;JIANG Gui-hua;SHI Jing-tang
Introduction of hybrid cotton new lines huahui 103
zou yong ; li ming zuo ; zhu mao cui ; wang yong hua ; xi gui mei
present problems and countermeasures in cotton production in Rudong county
WANG Yong-fang;LIU Fu-bin
Occurs reason and countermeasure of cotton red(yellow)leaves wilt
SHI Yong;WU Hao;YU Chang-xi
Express of cotton cultivate technique without soil and carrier in along the long river cotton areas
zuo hua chun ; zheng shu feng ; xu dao qing ; cheng fu ru ; he tuan jie ; zhao qi hu
Population dynamic analyse of asparagus caterpillar in Yancheng city farm areas
XU Wen-hua;WANG Rui-ming;DING Zhi-kuan
Selection breeding and utilization of top quality transgene zoophobous cotton
yang bo xiang ; wang zhi bin ; xie zhi qiong ; zhu dong sheng ; zhang da yong
Production of top quality cotton new germ plasm of verticillium wilt resist
XIAO Song-hua;WU Qiao-juan;LIU Jian-guang;DI Jia-chun;XU Nai-yin;CHEN Xu-sheng
Major cotton plant-bug's life cycle of China
TANG Jian-guo;YANG Zhong-le;WU Hao-ping;ZENG Tian-xi
Progress of cotton verticillium wilt research
YANG Hua;CAI LI-wang;PAN Qun-bin;CHEN Jian-ping;SHI Qing-hua;ZHANG E;WANG Hai-yang;CHEN Li-meng;YANG Ming-feng;HUO Jin-quan