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Journal of Fungal Research
2010 Issue 4
Elegantimyces New to Mainland China
REN Shou-cai;MA Jian;ZHANG Yi-dong;MA Li-guo;ZHANG Xiu-guo
The Lichen Order Peltigerales from Mt. Liupan,Ningxia, Northwest China
LIU Hua-jie;WU Qing-feng;CHEN Zhen
A Revised Checklist of the Genus Inocybe(Fr.)Fr. in China
FAN Yu-guang;BAU Tolgor
Isolation and Pb, Cd Tolerance of Rhizosphere Fungi of Arenaria orbiculata in Abandoned Lead-Zinc Mining Area
ZHAN Fang-dong;HE Yong-mei;LI Yuan;ZU Yan-qun;LI Yun-long
Antifungal Activity and Chemical Component Analysis of Volatile Compounds from Penicillium vulpinum
CHEN Li-jun;SHI Hong-zhong;HU Kong-feng
Research Advances of Physiological Efficacies of Cordycepin
Screeing of Highly Active Antioxidant Strains of Macrofungi
ZHANG Bei-hong;SONG Rui-qing;LIU Shu-shuang;CAO Cui;LI Hang
jun wu yan jiu zheng gao jian ze
Microscopic Structures of Sporangium and Peridium of Cribraria aurantiaca and Cribraria microcarpa
WANG Xiao-li;LI Yan-shuang;YU Ling;WANG Xiao-li;LI Yu
Strategies to Develop SSR Markers in Edible Mushrooms: a Review
ZHANG Rui-ying;HU Dan-dan;ZUO Xue-mei;HU Qing-xiu