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Journal of Shanghai Scientific Research Institute of Shipping
2011 Issue 2
Due Position of Ship Maneuverability in Ship Design
chen wei min ; ni shi long ; jiang shu zuo
The Response of Large Crane Ship to Waves
chen liang ; zhang cheng ; zhang xiao ya
SVPWM Simulation with DSP Builder
wang zuo ; yang liu tao
Experimental Study of Powering Performance of a Full Pressurized 5000 m3 LPG Carrier
hu ping ; guan feng wu ; ge ming chen
Application of Project Management Information System in SSSRI
zhang jun ; zhang you hua
Marine Automatic Anti-Heeling System of Pump-Control Type
xu an jing
Control Algorithm Design of SRI-VC2110DP Dynamic Positioning System
han bing ; dong sheng li
Key Technology of FGD Wastewater Treatment in Bao Steel
mao hai liang ; zuo guo hong ; he jin ping ; kou ying wei
Research on Crashworthiness of Steel-Foam Structure
zhang jin jun ; cai hou ping ; gong hai yan
Design and Implementation of Software for JJ-VTD-B Video Detector System
wang zuo ; zuo hui ; tang you lin
A Splitting Route Algorithm in Express Way Tolling System
xu qing song ; wang li peng ; chen jian hua
CBSE in Development of Remote Control System of Marine Main Engine
chen di qiu ; zheng yuan zuo
Structural Scheme Design of Vessel Collision Protection Devices
jiang he rong ; huang wei zhong ; jin yun long
Design of Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System
yu ye ping ; li zuo ; pan wan xin ; zhang jia qi
Application of Industrial SQL Server in Marine Power Control System
sun liang qing ; li shuang
Application of SIEMENS PLC in Mixed Burning Control System
yan hai ; lu zhi hang ; liu jun ; wen yong ; guo sheng jun