xi chu v4c3 zai ma shi ti xiang bian zhong de yi chuan
XIE Changsheng;SUN Peizhen;ZHAO Jiansheng;SUN Desheng Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan Correspondent:XIE Changsheng;associate professor;Faculty of Metallic Materiats;Huazhong University of Science and Technology
liu fang co2-3c de xing cheng
WANG Jian;WU Xingfang;CHEN Xunping;CAI Jun University of Science and Technology Beijing;LIU Baixin Tsinghua University;FANG Zhengzhi Beijing Institute of Space Physics;Academia Sinica
7050 he jin xian wei jie gou fen xi
JIN Yan;LI Chunzhi;ZHAO Yingtao;YAN Minggao Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials Corresponden JIN Yan Department No.4;Institute of Aeronautical Materiais;