Springback characteristics in U-channel forming of tailor rolled blank
Huawei ZHANG 1); Lizhong LIU 1); Ping HU 1) and Xianghua LIU 2) School of Automotive Engineering; Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics; State Key Labora- tory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment; Dalian University of Technology; Dalian 116024; China 2) Research Institute of Science and Technology; Northeastern University; Shenyang 110819; China)
Fatigue crack initiation for Al-Zn-Mg alloy welded joint
Liang ZHANG 1); Xuesong LIU 1); Linsen WANG 2); Ping WANG 1) and Hongyuan FANG 1) State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150001; China 2) Welding Process Section; Dongfang Boiler Group Co. Ltd.; Zigong 643001; China)