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Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
2004 Issue 5
A Calculation Model of Beam Envelope in LIA
li xian wen ; wang wen dou ; dai zhi yong ; feng li ; wang qiang ; li ping
Parameter Sensitivity Analysis for the Satellite Thermal Design
han yu ge ; xuan yi min
RfN Wavelets and Their Applications in Meteorological Data Analysis
kuang zheng ; zhao an guo
Numerical Studies of Moving Shock Interacting with Consecutive Helium Bubbles
chen fei ; zhang meng ping ; xu sheng li
Calculation of Quantum Chemistry for Mg-Si Based Thermoelectric Material
jiang hong yi ; liu qiong zhen ; zhang lian meng ; zuo xin min
The Application of Tikhonov Deconvolution Algorithm for Space Charge Distribution in Dielectrics
zuo luo quan ; zheng fei hu ; zhang ye wen
Direct Numerical Simulation Method of Inter-particle Collision
chen zuo mi ; liu chao zuo ; zheng chu guang
Direct Simulation of a Uniformly Heated Film Flowing Down an Inclined Plate
hu jun ; hu guo hui ; sun de jun ; yin xie yuan
Numerical Simulation of Gaseous Detonation Wave Propagation Through Bends with a Detailed Chemical Reaction Model
hu zong min ; mou qian hui ; zhang de liang ; jiang zong lin
Structure Preserving Algorithms for Soliton Equations
wang yu shun ; wang bin ; ji zhong zhen
Parallel Computation for Molecular Dynamics Simulation Based on Cell-Block Data Strucutres
cao xiao lin ; mo ze yao ; zhang jing lin ; chen qi feng