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Water & Wastewater Engineering
2016 Issue 8
guan yu chuang xin yu di xia shui chu tie chu meng ji shu fa zhan de ruo gan si kao
li gui bai ; du xing ; yu hua rong ; zuo fang shu ; liang heng ;
nan shui bei diao shui yuan qie huan hou yuan shui shui zhi qing kuang dui bi yan jiu
kang ya ; xu yue xia ; wu xin ping ; sha jing ; wang zuo ; yang xiao fang ;
Application of BIOSMEDI biological aerated filter in a water treatment plant upgrading project in Guangzhou
Jiang Li;Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute Co.;Ltd.;
huang he xia you di qu yin yong shui xiao du fu chan wu kong zhi ji shu yan jiu
li jin zuo ; liu wei gang ;
Pilot-scale study of odor and bromate control by ozone-biological activated carbon processes
Wang Yongjing;Feng Sijie;Ji Yuqing;Du Xu;Liu Yang;Zhang Minglu;Department of Environmental Science and Engineering;School of Food and Chemical Engineering;Beijing Technology and Business University;
zi bei jing zhi huan zhong cun zai de wen ti fen xi ji cuo shi
zhang yan ting ;
Development and key technologies for underground wastewater treatment plant
Li Chengjiang;North China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute;
di xia shi mbr wu shui chu li chang yun xing xiao guo ji neng hao fen xi
jia hai tao ; zhou hou fang ; he jia jie ; yang xiao jun ; cui peng fei ; chen xiang ;
yi du shi cheng xi ban di xia shi wu shui chu li chang she ji an li
liang jun ; xu wei ;
Research on the fitting of Pearson type Ⅲ in urban storm water intensity equation
Gao Lin;Zhou Yuwen;Tang Ying;Liu Yuan;Shen Hongguan;College of Architecture and Civil Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering;Central Research Institute of Building and Construction Co.;Ltd.;
jiang you fei shui chu li sheng ji gai zao gong yi she ji
huang jiong ; lin yong sheng ; huang zhi hua ; zeng xiang zhuan ;
lian hua qi ye jie shui jian pai ji shu cuo shi de ying yong
wang hao ying ; wang xiao hong ; zhang cheng fan ;
Study on start-up of the biological aerated filter of purification pretreatment system in a thermal power plant
Tu Xiaofei;Yang Yanke;Zhang Jianpeng;Tang Xiaohui;North China Electric Power Research Institute Co.;Ltd;
uasb gong yi chu li zao zhi fei shui qi dong de yan jiu
liu xiao ; zhang jie ; yang zong zheng ; cao jing guo ;
gui dao jiao tong xiao huo shuan xi tong kong zhi mo shi xuan ze yu you hua tan tao
wei ming qiang ; meng a nan ; bai xue mei ; xie liang gui ; du lei ; qu ming chuan ;
Investigation on the comfort degree of residents water supply service
Wu Junqi;Qiao Xiaofeng;Li Geng;Xin Bo;Zhao Li;Zhang Zhe;Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Bejing General Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;China Architecture Design Group;
The effects of transient flow and constant flow drainage on water seal loss
Wu Kejian;Zhao Shiming;Yuan Yumei;Lan Xiang;Ren Shaolong;National Building Drainage Piping System Technology Center;SUNS Casting Co.;Ltd.;China Architecture Design Group;Civil Engineering School;Hunan University;China Machinery International Engineering Design & Reseach Institute Co.;Ltd.;
gong cheng xin xi er ze
wu yun fu ;
da xing zhan lan jian zhu gei shui an quan she ji yan jiu
ban shan xue ; chen li hong ; xu yang ;
Design of the safe and ecologic rainwater utilization system in National Exhibition and Convention Center(Shanghai)
Chen Lihong;Xu Yang;Zhu Liming;Zhang Wei;Zhang Yafeng;Ban Shanxue;Gao Junbin;East China Architecture Design & Research Institute;Tongji University;Beijing Tidelion S&I Rainwater Harvesting Technology Co.;Ltd.;
xuan zhuan ya lv ji yi ti hua xi tong zai yin ran wu ni tuo shui zhong de ying yong
chen li ; ni ming liang ; wang ji bai ; zhang qiang ;
cheng shi zong he guan lang biao zhun duan mian she ji yao dian tan tao
lu min bo ; wang xin qing ; wang zhi hong ;
Research on the construction and application of quantitative evaluation system for construction area of utility tunnel
Chen Yi;City Research Center;Fuzhou Planning Design & Survey Research Institute;
Discussion on pressure-superposed water supply mode based on the end pressure-feedback water supply technology with constant pressure
Teng Yanting;Li Jiada;Mo Zhenhua;Tao Tao;College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Tongji University;
er ci gong shui guan li xi tong jian she xu qiu tan xi
zhuang zhong hui ;
han dan xiao du fu chan wu lu yi zuo qian qu ti ji sheng cheng ji zhi zong shu
bao lu er ; zhang hai feng ; yu jian wei ; yang min ;
xiao fang shui chi ji di xia gong cheng shi wai xiao huo shuan she ji wen ti tan tao
zhang zhong pin ; zhou jin zhong ; fan tai xing ;