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Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
2011 Issue 5
Biological properties of a Salmonella enteritidis lytic phage with wide host range
BAO Hong-duo;ZHANG Hui;WANG Ran
Construction and expression of eukaryotic vector of sulfide-quinone reductase(SQR) gene
YU Feng-xiang;YU Jian-ning;WANG Gong-jin;PAN Wei-qin;XU Xiao-bo;XU Zhi-wei;HUA Wei-hua;LIU Quan
Degradation kinetics of anthocyanins in blackberry juice and its mechanisms
ZHANG Li-xia;ZHOU Jian-zhong;GU Zhen-xin;HUANG Kai-hong;LIU Xiao-li;LU Qing-qing
Effects of porcinecircovirus-like agent P1 infection on mRNA transcript levels of cytokines in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of piglets
WEN Li-bin;HE Kong-wang;YANG Han-chun;GUO Rong-li;YU Zheng-yu;MAO Ai-hua;NI Yan-xiu;ZHANG Xue-han;ZHOU Jun-ming;L(U) Li-xin;LI Bin;WANG Xiao-min
Genotype analysis of porcine circovirus type 2 in eastern China from 2009to 2010
WANG Xiao-min;ZHANG Wen-wen;HE Kong-wang;MAO Ai-hua;YU Zheng-yu;WEN Li-bin;NI Yan-xiu;ZHANG Xue-ha;GUO Rong-li;L(U) Li-xin;Li Bin;ZHOU Jun-ming
Toxicity of Asarum heterotropoides extracts to two-spotted spider mite
HAN Jun-yan;WANG Jun;SUN Xiao-xun;JI Ming-shan
Screening and evaluation of antagonistic bacteria against rice false smut
YIN Xiao-le;CHEN Zhi-yi;LIU Yong-feng;LIU You-zhou;WANG Xiao-yu;LUO Chu-ping;YU Jun-jie;NIE Ya-feng
Detection of defoliating pathotype of Verticillium dahliae in soil by nested-PCR
ZHANG Xin;JIAN Gui-liang;LIN Ling;DENG Sheng;ZHOU Yi-jun
Effect of biofilm carrier material on bacterial community structure in eutrophic water
LUO Jia;HAN Shi-qun;SONG Wei;ZHOU Qing;YAN Shao-hua
Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics in yellow green leaf mutant of chrysanthemum
CHANG Qing-shan;ZHANG Li-xia;CHEN Yu;CHEN Su-mei;CHEN Fa-di;LIU Rui-xia
Virulence differentiation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzicola in rice at seedling and adult stages
ZHANG Rong-sheng;CHEN Zhi-yi;LIU Yong-feng
Cloning and function analysis of three chitinase genes in Serratia marces- cens strain
ZHONG Wan-fang;GUO Hui-fang;DING Shao-jun;FANG Ji-chao
Cloning and sequencing of calmodulin gene from Cochliobolus heterostrophus
LI Zhi-yong;JIA Li-xia;DONG Jin-gao;DONG Zhi-ping
Role of biochar in slow sorption and desorption of diuron in soil
YU Xiang-yang;WANG Dong-lan;MU Chang-li;LIU Xian-jin
Cloning and expression analysis of an ERF transcription factor in soybean
ZHANG Da-yong;XU Ling;YI Jin-xin;XU Zhao-long;HE Xiao-lan;LIU Xiao-qing;HUANG Yi-hong;ZULFIQAR A;MA Hong-xiang
Influence of exogenous substances on fruit quality of peach variety Xiahui 6
XU Jian-lan;MA Rui-juan;ZHANG Bin-bin;CAI Zhi-xiang;SHEN Jiang-hai
Genetic analysis of plant height component index in wheat
YAO Jin-bao;REN Li-juan;ZHANG Ping-ping;YANG Xue-ming;MA Hong-xiang;YAO Guo-cai;ZHANG Peng;ZHOU Miao-ping
Cloning and expression of glutathione peroxidase 2 gene in rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)
HU Mao-long;PU Hui-ming;LONG Wei-hua;GAO Jian-qin;CHEN Xin-jun;ZHANG Jie-fu;CHEN Song;QI Cun-kou
Senescence in flag leaves of Bar-transgenic wheat and their hybrids
WEI Xiao-fei;CHANG Yan;CAI Yong-ping
Research progress in breeding of tomato resistance to Botrytis cinerea
ZHAO Tong-min;YU Wen-gui;ZHAO Li-ping;DONG You-lei;CHEN Huai-gu;LI Yong-can;YANG Ma-li
Fluorescence spectroscopy of interaction between epigallocatechin-3-gallat and Aeromona hydrophila genomic DNA
LU Chun-xia;WANG Hong-xin;L(U) Wen-ping;LOU Zai-xiang;XU Pao;ZHU Jian;XIE Jun;LIU Bo
Preparation of single-stranded DNA in screening aptamer by systematic evolution of ligand by exponential enrichment (SELEX)
WANG;HE Jiang;WANG Yun;LEI Zhao-jing;TU Kang;LIU Xian-jin
Diapause conditions and diapause-associated proteins in Mylabris cichorii Linnaeus eggs
GAO Gui-fang;WANG Zhong-kang;WANG Yu;ZHONG Wei;YIN You-ping
Breeding of three-way cross hybrids with male sterile varieties of broccoli
MAO Zhong-liang;PAN Yong-fei;JIN Yong-qing;DAI Zhong-liang;QIN Wen-bin;ZHANG Zhen-chao;PAN Yue-ping
A discussion on allocation of research funding in China
ZHANG Teng;SHEN Jian-xin
Establishment of a predictive growth model for foodborne Escherichia coli in ready-to-eat food
ZHANG Hui;YANG Zhen-quan;ZHAO Jun;WANG Ran
Crop classification based on scattering model using full-polarization SARdata
HUA Guo-qiang;WANG Jing-jing;HUANG Xiao-jun;CHEN Er-xue;LI Bing-bai
Purification of SIgA from porcine colostrums and preparation of its monoclonal antibody
FENG Zhi-xin;WANG Hai-yan;LIU Mao-jun;GAN Yuan;WU Xu-su;SHAO Guo-qing
Construction of subtractive cDNA library of sugarcane under drought stress
WU Yang;HE Li;HE Gen-he
Degradation rule of acetamiprid in soil
DING Yue;YU Xiang-yang;REN Li-yun;LIU Xian-jin
Pathotype of Xanthomonas oryzea pv.oryzea in Jiangsu province
YU Jun-jie;LIU Yong-feng;YIN Xiao-le;ZHANG Rong-sheng;CHEN Zhi-yi
Cloning, sequencing and expression of a cysteine proteinase inhibitor gene (PbCPI) from Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge
LI Hui;CONG Yu;CHANG You-hong;LIN Jing;SHENG Bao-long
Construction of rsmB deletion/insertion mutant in Serratia plymuthica G3
HUANG Guang;ZHOU Min;YU Xiao-li;WU Yan;GAO Ke-xiang;LIU Xiao-guang
A decision-making control model for rice pests based on rice growth model
GE Dao-kuo;CAO Hong-xin;YANG Yu-wang;LIU Yan
Effect of salicylic acid and abscisic acid on physiological characteristics of jasmine seedlings under low temperature stress
HE Li-si;XIA Bing;MENG Xiang-jing;TAN Guo-hua;HE Jia;PENG Feng;WANG Ren
In vitro adventitious bud induction from leaf of Davallia bullata and plant regeneration
YE Xiao-qing;SHE Jian-ming;DENG Yan-min;TONG Hong-yu
Establishment of tissue regeneration system and genetic transformation of adzuki bean
CHEN Xin;CHEN Hua-tao;WAN Jian-min;ZHAI Hu-qu
Effects of drying on volatile flavor compounds and structure in black edamame
LI Da-jing;ZHUO Cheng-long;LIU Xia;LIU Chun-quan
Developmental patterns of adiponectin and its receptors mRNA expression in spleen and cervical lymph node of Wannanhua swine
WU Xiao-xue;ZHOU Jie;SHAO Kang;SHU Bao-ping;LUO Lian-hui;SHENG Sheng;ZHANG Jia;LI Wei-xin;YIN Zong-jun
Physiological changes of leaf color of Acer buergerianum and mutant plants during color-changing period
RONG Li-ping;LI Qian-zhong;LIShu-shun;TANG Ling
Yield potential of rice and technical approaches to high yield in Jiangsuprovince
DU Yong-lin;WANG Qiang-sheng;WANG Cai-lin;DING Yan-feng
Effects of calcium nitrate stress on nitrogen and carbon metabolism in hy- droponically-grown grafted eggplant seedlings
WEI Guo-ping;ZHU Yue-lin;TANG Yu-yin;YANG Li-fei;ZHANG Xiao-qing
Identification and characterization of pepper EST-SSR loci
ZHANG Guang-ping;KONG Qiu-sheng;CHEN Wen-chao;ZHANG Zhu-qing;ZOU Xue-xiao
Changes in ultra-structure and Ca2+ distribution in leaf cells of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) under low temperature stress
ZENG Ai-song;SONG Li-xiao;GAO Bing;FENG Cui;YAN Ji-yong
Clone and expression of variable flic gene segment from enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 : H7 and its immunogenicity
ZHANG Xue-han;HE Kong-wang;ZHAO Pan-deng;LUAN Xiao-ting;YE Qing;WEN Li-bin;LI Bin;WANG Xiao-min;GUO Rong-li;NI Yan-xiu;ZHOU Jun-ming;YU Zheng-yu;MAO Ai-hua;L(U) Li-xin
Growth characteristics and yield components of cotton in different wheatcotton double cropping systems
YANG Chang-qin;LIU Rui-xian;GUO Wen-qi;ZHANG Pei-tong;XU Li-hua